Comparative Study of Islamic Law and Justice Systems in Pakistan, India & Malaysia


Islamic Law
Islamic penal codes
Islamic penal law
Islamic penal rules
qisās offences

How to Cite

Comparative Study of Islamic Law and Justice Systems in Pakistan, India & Malaysia. (2024). International Journal of Forensic Expert Alliance , 1(01), 61-68.


"Penal law" examines Islamic criminal law, which is the most contentious area of Islamic law and frequently sparks contentious discussions regarding its relevance in the modern era. Hudūd, qisās, and ta'zīr are the three primary categories into which crimes and their punishments are divided in classical Islamic law. In essence, the transgressions of ta'zīr are determined at the discretion of the ruling class or judges. Under Islamic law, there are several standards and procedures for proving criminal offenses. With the appropriate revisions, the present penal codes of a few governments currently incorporate the traditional Islamic penal rules. Law frequently makes use of scientific and medical expertise to conduct research and provide trustworthy evidence to support the courts in enforcing the law. Examining a wounded person is crucial in a court of justice since the basic idea of law enforcement is to uphold the code of acceptable existence of a society by penalizing offenders in proportion to the seriousness of their acts.


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